Advanced Health Board of Directors


Meeting Announcement:

Advanced Health is pleased to announce that its board of directors meeting is open to the public.

Our next meeting will be the morning of March 19, 2025. The meeting will begin at 7:00am. This meeting will be a Microsoft Teams Meeting.

To be placed on a list to receive individual notice of upcoming meetings, need additional information or have any questions please contact Evelyn Bryant at 541-266-6544 or email

Board Meeting Notice:

Advanced Health Board of Directors meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the odd numbered months. All meetings are held virtually through Zoom. The Board of Directors meets in a closed work session and a public session. All substantive decisions of the Board are made after public comment, during the public meeting session. A substantive decision means a decision related to:

  • Spending public funds
  • Financial risk of the CCO
  • Provider network development and capacity
  • Community Advisory Council, Community Health Assessment, or Community Health Improvement Plan

Generally, the public portion of the meeting begins at 8:00am with a time for public comment, followed by substantive decisions by the Board. Please see individual meeting agendas for information about meeting topics and scheduled time for public comments.

If you would like to attend a meeting or if you would like to provide public comment, please email Anna Warner at

Public Comments:

The Advanced Health Board of Directors accepts and welcomes public comments. It is the role of the Advanced Health Board of Directors to listen respectfully to all public comment. The public comment opportunity is not a discussion, debate or dialogue between the speaker and the Board of Directors. It is a citizen’s opportunity to express opinions on issues of Board business.

Public comments will be heard at each decision point and are limited to two minutes per person. If you prefer to provide written testimony, please submit your name and comments to

Tips for public comments:
  • Focus on the discussion topics for the meeting
  • Do not include personal complaints or attacks
  • Do not include personal health information
  • Send written comments at least two days before the meeting

Public comments will become part of the record of the meeting. Advanced Health reserves the right to not present or publish comments deemed to be inappropriate, contain protected information, or that do not relate to Advanced Health business.

Board Members:

Chair – Wallace Webster, MD
Contact Info: 541-808-3860 |

Vice-Chair – Charles Toledo, MD

Secretary/Treasurer – Jason Bell, MD

Dacey Brooke, MD

Hammad Qadir, MD

Paavani Atluri, MD

Brian Moore – CEO, Bay Area Hospital

Linet Samson – CEO, Bay Clinic

Gregory Brigham, Ph.D. – CEO, ADAPT

Jeffrey Lang – CEO, Coquille Valley Hospital

Mike Rowley – Director, Coos Health and Wellness

Molly Johnson – Advantage Dental

Andrea Zamora – Community Member