Eligible Oregon Health Plan (OHP) members who meet certain criteria can get new services for their Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN). HRSNs are social and economic needs that impact an individual’s ability to maintain health and well-being. These new services can help OHP members get through extreme weather events, get and keep a place to live, and afford quality food. The program will offer outreach and engagement supports which include help finding medical and nonmedical benefits.

HRSN Provider Guide

HRSN Benefits:

Oregon created the new HRSN benefit as part of the state’s 1115 waiver. In order to improve the health of OHP members going through specific life changes, the HRSN benefit will offer social support. Some examples of life changes are:

  • Involvement in the system of child welfare
  • Became eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare within the past 9 months
  • Homelessness or at risk of homelessness
  • Released from jail, detention center, Oregon Youth Authority facility, prison, or the Oregon State Hospital within the past 12 months

The HRSN benefit will offer 3 different types of support: Climate, Housing and Nutrition.

Climate supports starting March 1, 2024

Included in this benefit:

  • Air conditioners for individuals at risk due to heat
  • Air filtration devices to protect against compromised air quality
  • Portable heaters for individuals at risk due to cold weather
  • Mini refrigeration units for medications needing refrigeration
  • Portable power supplies to operate medical devices during power outages

Timeframe for Completing Authorizations – 14 days with an additional 14 days

Additional information:

People eligible for Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) Services

Eligible people are current and future Oregon Health Plan (OHP) members who meet specific requirements for eligibility.

Care Coordinators within Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) and Fee For Service (FFS) Providers

CCOs and FFS providers are organizations that have been working with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to help OHP members understand their health benefits and get the care they need. Care coordinators within these organizations work directly with OHP members to connect them to health providers, like doctors, counselors, and dentists.

Community Connectors

Connectors are existing people and organizations in the community that help people learn about medical and nonmedical benefits—like these new climate, housing, and nutrition services as well as other peer, social, educational, and legal services—and connect them to needed resources and benefits. Some connectors can help people fill out forms and start the process with their CCO or Open Card care coordinator.

Vendors and Service Providers

Vendors deliver or provide climate, housing, and nutrition services directly to OHP members once they are approved to receive them. These might include new or existing organizations that deliver or install air conditioners, heaters, air filtration devices, Portable Power Supplies (PPS), or mini refrigeration units, vendors that deliver medically-tailored meals, or case managers that help people find or keep housing.

How To Send an HRSN Referral

Here are a few ways you can send Advanced Health an HRSN referral:

1. Log in to Unite Us and complete the steps (Sending HRSN Referrals to Advanced Health), or
2. Complete the electronic form located HERE or by clicking the QR link below if you don’t want to use Unite Us.

If you have questions or want more information on Health Related Social Needs benefit, please contact Amanda McCarthy, Director of Social Determinants of Health at

Community Capacity Building Funds

Community-based organizations (CBOs) and partners will be integral to this HRSN work and may be able to receive funding to help with these efforts. Oregon has been approved to spend up to $119 million in Community Capacity Building Funds (CCBF), specifically to support investments to enable partners to provide HRSN services.

Click here for more information.

More information is also available on the OHA’s 1115 Medicaid Waiver website

Open Office Hours Meeting Link for Providers and Clinics

There will be an open office hours meeting which occurs the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 12:30pm – 1:30pm.

If you are needing assistance or have additional questions, contact Amanda McCarthy, Director of Social Determinants of Health at 541-266-6529 to request an invite to this meeting.